Thirteenth Staff User Meet of the Central Library, IIT, Madras
The Meet organized on 7 December 1999 was attended by over 70 participants comprising staff, students and local librarians. The Meet was followed by a special lecture titled `Public Relations in S & T Libraries' by Dr. M Nagarajan, Reader, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University. Dr. Harish Chandra, Librarian, Central Library, IIT, Madras chaired the Meet and Mr. M Koteswara Rao, Deputy Librarian, proposed the vote of thanks.
Communicated by Dr. Harish Chandra
Training Course on Applications of Modern Technologies in Health Science Libraries and Documentation Centres.
The training course, organised by the National Documentation Centre of the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NDC/NIHFW), New Delhi _ 110067 from 17 January to 21 January 2000 was attended by twenty-eight participants from health science libraries in the country. Eminent librarians from Delhi delivered the lectures. Mr. Salek Chand, Senior Documentation Officer, and Mrs. N U Singh, Librarian, NDC/NIHFW acted as coordinators.
A publication Do You Know? by Salek Chand and N U Singh dealing with important events, indicators and norms in health science disciplines was released; and practical demonstrations on Barcode technology, Libsys Trooden, TLMS and CD-ROM databases in health sciences were organized during the occasion.
Communicated by Mr. Salek Chand
The Seminar dedicated to the theme Library and Information Profession at the Crossroads will be hosted by the M P Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal sometime in November this year.
Papers are invited in the following areas for deliberation.
New dimensions and re-approach to information.
Information audit _ information generation, obsolescence, seepage and barriers for use.
Change in the form of information resources.
Flow, availability and accessibility of information to:
Public administration; Science, engineering and technology; Business, industry, trade and commerce; Rural and small scale sectors; R & D units; Institutions of higher learning; and Learned societies, trade and professional bodies
Role and responsibilities of LIS professionals
Re-identification of the information landscapes for LIS professionals; and Changing needs, demands and requirements of information
Chaos, conflicts, contradictions, and cohesion in information science and technology
Innovation of new technologies bringing about changes in LIS environment
Virtual library; Network; Computerised information systems; Internet, Intranet and Extranet; E _ government; E _commerce/E _ business; E-mail; Web site design and development; and Web-based retrieval systems
Competency development
Information resource measurement; Attainment of the subject knowledge; Knowledge management; Managerial skills development; Business process re-engineering (BPR) techniques; Managing relationship marketing of LIS services; and Reorientation of LIS education
Special Interest Groups (SIG) Meetings
Themes of various groups
· SIG Computer Applications
Theme: E _ information
· SIG Library and Information Science Education
Theme: Infrastructural facilities for LIS education in the context of changing
· SIG Humanities Information
Theme: Internet information resources on humanities in India
· SIG Social Science Information
Theme: Internet information resources on social sciences in India
· SIG Informetrics
Theme: Analysis of citation patterns in Indian journals for four to five years in
different subjects
· SIG Industrial information
Theme: Use of ISO parameters for updating the library services in small, medium and
large scale industries.
Contact: Sri Dipak Kumar Nag, Convener, Editorial Committee, XIX National Seminar, IASLIC, P 291 Scheme No. 6M, Kankurgachi, Calcutta-700054 for any query relating to submission of papers for the Seminar.
IASLIC Brochure
Dr S R Ranganathan Memorial National Seminar on Library Public Relations: Challenges of the New Millenium
Goa Library Association and Goa University Library are jointly organizing the Seminar at Goa, during 9-12 August, 2000.
Papers are invited on the following topics for deliberation.
1. Library Public Relations: philosophy, methods and approach.
2. Organization and execution of Library Public Relations in different types of libraries.
3. Extension activities and their role in the promotion of library services.
4. Cultural activities.
5. Impact of multimedia on Public Relations activities
6. Marketing strategies and techniques in enhancing Public Relation activities.
7. Advertising and publicity.
8. Educational activities.
9. Public Relations with government/ parent organizations.
10. Public Relations with other organisations.
11. Impact of electronic media on Library Public relations.
Papers containing original ideas based on practical experience, problems, surveys, case studies will be accepted for presentation.
Informative abstracts (300 _ 400 words) of the paper should reach by 17th June, 2000 the Organising Secretary, Dr S R Ranganathan Memorial Seminar, Goa University Library, Teleigao Plateau, Goa-403206. Phone: 0832 237044. E-mail:
Information Today & Tomorrow, Vol. 19, No. 1,
March 2000, p.31-p.32