Reviews / Releases
An Introduction to the Guiding Principles in the Decisions on Patent Law. New Delhi: Bahri Brothers [742 Lajpat Rai Market], October 2000. Price. Rs. 495.00
In the light of recent developments, considerable interest has been aroused in matters relating to intellectual property across a wide spectrum. In the field of patents, it was felt that a compilation of recent cases decided in many countries will be of interest, as in many countries laws are already modified and in harmony with the requirements of TRIPS.
In finalising this collection, 101 selected cases were grouped into 11 major groups. These groups are Patentability, Novelty, Obviousness, Disclosure, Aspects relating to grant, Special issues, Jurisdiction, Infringement, Relief, Revocation and Procedures. The group-wise classification of decisions is preceded by an overview which presents analysis of court rulings pertaining to each specific group and the propositions that emerge out of the analysis. It affords a glimpse of important decisions and facilitates readers' perception of the issues involved.
The publication will be useful as an introduction to the guiding principles in the decisions on patent law. It is hoped that with the growing interest in this subject, further steps will be taken soon to enlarge this primer into a treatise. [Modified]
-- Reproduced from WISTA IPR Biotechnology 2001, 2(8=Feb), 19
A Supplement to Handbook of Indian Patent Law and Practice
The Handbook of Indian Patent Law and Practice, has been written in a manner to enable the layman and professional alike to find the information necessary for him when needed, in an era of increasing transactions of knowledge-based property. The book incorporates the provisions to the Patents Act 1970, the Patent Rules, the forms and the fees prescribed for various proceedings.
Consequent to India signing TRIPS agreement, it is obliged to incorporate amendments to its existing relevant Acts. The supplement to the book contains amendments in the law and the associated rules in line with the provisions in TRIPS. The centrepiece of this supplement is the Patents (Amendment) Act 1999, and the associated Patents (Amendment) Rules 1999. The Patents (Second Amendment) Bill, 1999, as introduced in the Rajya Sabha is now before a Parliamentary Committee for consideration; hence not included in the book, and will form another supplement.
-- Reproduced from WISTA IPR Biotechnology 2001, 2(8=Feb), 19
IT Landscape in India - Focus: Agriculture & Rural Development/ by A Thaha and D Vijayadharan. Hyderabad: Centre for Rural and Urban Studies & Training (NIRD Cross Road, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad_500030), Jan. 2001. x, 200p. Price: Rs. 415.00
The all pervading impact of information technology (IT) is but a global phenomenon. There is no sphere of human activity which has remained untouched by the onslaught of the latest gift of the twentieth century, i.e. IT. Its scope is ever-widening, attraction irresistible, cost ever-declining, and potential mind-boggling.
India, though a late starter, have leapfrogged to become the software superpower practically in less than a decade overriding a number of infrastructural shortcomings. Its application within our country despite being widespread has remained tardy in many sectors. It is of course heartening to note that of late it has started making inroads into the remotest areas of the country providing information to even illiterate villagers about the market rates of various commodities in metros and other cities, impending cyclones aiming to hit the coastlines, medical facilities available in nearby towns and so on. Compared to our IT activities, the number of books on the subject emanating from our country is really small. This book is, therefore, a welcome addition to the bookstore of IT.
The book comprises seven chapters. Chapter I introduces the policy options for IT diffusion, need for comprehensive rural planning, new agriculture policy, problems of farmers, past efforts towards farmers' empowerment, role of IT in the empowerment of rural communities, and the design of the work. Chapter II tries to portray the global IT scenario taking the examples of five countries i.e. China, Australia, United States, Norway, and Ethiopia covering all the five continents. It depicts the national scenario with the examples of three south Indian states i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka and one west Indian state, i.e. Maharashtra. The constraints, challenges and opportunities have been discussed in Chapter III touching upon the telecommunication infrastructure, info structure, Internet, awareness level, regulatory and policy environment. The economic growth, employment generation, distance learning, telemedicine, and video conferencing have figured under Chapter IV. Some of the other issues covered are: framework for content design, content generation, IT adoption trend, etc. Till today a huge number of India's population live below the poverty line defying GDP rise and as many as nine five year plans and various other measures taken by the government.The power of IT is yet unfathomable, maybe it is this power which may have some potential to reduce poverty to a certain extent. This is what is discussed in Chapter V. To achieve any goal set by a nation, adequately trained, professionally skilled, and highly dedicated manpower are the essential factors. The authors did not lose sight of these and discussed human resource development with many of its facets in Chapter VI. The seventh chapter being the last one includes conclusion and recommendations.
The information and data provided by the authors are all up-to-date and briefly portrays India's IT scenario in global perspective in the one hand and India's rural perspective on the other. Appendices such as comparison of IT infrastructure across the globe, extracts of Action Taken Report and also of Information Technology Act 2000, are all useful and have reference value. A simple index figures at the end of the book
The negative aspects of the book can be summarized as follows: Scant regard has been paid to the rules of technical writing leading to numerous stylistic and other errors, for example, Rio de Janeiro has been written as Riodejaneiro (p.1), telecommunication networks as tele communication net works (p.2), Biotechnology as Bio Technology (p.79); the chapter heading Information Systems for Farmers Employment and Rural Development in the Contents page reads Information Systems for Micro Planning and Farmers' Employment inside the book (p. 75); etc.
-- Reviewed by Prof B K Sen, Editor, ITT
Softlink - Asia, a subsidiary of Softlink International, World Leader in Library Software is having its own establishment in India for more than five years and aiming to serve the Asian region of the globe. Considering the global growth of the organization and noteworthy growth of clients , the company started its operation in Sri Lanka as "Softlink _ Sri Lanka" . It is now going to start its various business activities in other SAARC countries.
The objective of the software is to make information accessible to all specialists as well as general groups in Asian Region through the effective deployment of information technology in libraries capable of efficient information storage, retrieval and dissemination.
Why Alice - for Windows ?
Alice - For Windows is a complete library automation toolkit which incorporates the latest information technology and functional depthness, provides a complete range of library functions using discrete modules, and allows select modules that suit the individual library need. It has the worldwide acceptance and currently being used by more that 8,700 libraries all over the world. It is still under constant revision and generating feature upgrades enabling to meet all kinds of requirements of all range of libraries.
It has been versioned on the basis of the library ranges and their requirements as
Academic Library Version
Special Library Version
Public Library Version
School Library Version.
It runs on the following environments / platforms.
Standalone PCs with Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT Workstation/Server.
LAN with Windows NT platform, Novel Netware, Linux Server with Windows as Workstation.
WAN with Alice Wan Server version.
There is also the Alice Mac Version for Apple Macintosh computers.
It supports Z39.50 client/server architecture, graphical user interface (GUI); Intranet inquiry and system functions; Internet inquiry functions for operating systems including UNIX.
It allows export and import of data in MARC formats i.e. USMARC, UKMARC, CNMARC, Pre5MARC, UNIMARC, etc; and data conversion from CDS/ISIS, Dbase, Foxbase, and from any other standard library software.
It is multilingual and can work with such languages as English, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, French, Bahasa Malaysia, Vietnamese, Thai, Hindi and other Indian languages.
The software is being continuously upgraded keeping pace with the advancement of technology. One or two upgrades are being released every year.
It incorporates multi-tasking facilities.
Support Services
Both the technical and functional queries are properly attended by experts within three hours. Also the customization is done according to the user's request .
User training programs (on-site & off-site) are organized regularly and on clients request. When a new version is launched , special training program is conducted to train the users about the new features.
Other Services and Clients
Softlink - Asia undertakes a number of other services such as:
Technical Data Processing for
United Nations Information Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
UNESCO Library, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi.
Ministry of Environment, Paryawaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi
Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations. India Habitat Centre, 4th Floor, Core 6A, New Delhi
Inputting and Editing of Data for
Union Public Service Commission, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi.
United Services Institution of India, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi.
Institute of Charted Accountants of India, IP Estate, New Delhi
Hardware Supply
Barcode scanners - XLRI Jamshedpur; IIITM, Gwalior; DAV Colleges; Technical Teachers Training Institutes; IGNFA, NIFTs, etc.
Flat bed scanners - XLRI, Jamshedpur; Civil Services Officers Institute, New Delhi; United Services Institution of India, New Delhi.
Computers - Housing Services Management Institute, New Delhi, United Services Institution of India, etc.
Network set up - United Services Institution of India, etc.
Web Site Development
Ministry of Environment & Forestry, Govt. of India.
Installation base
The software has been installed in many libraries in India and Sri Lanka such as
National Library: National Library Sri Lanka
Ministries: Railways, Information & Broadcasting, Environment and Forestry, New Delhi
Management Institutes: XLRI, Jamshedpur, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad; NIRMA, Ahmedabad ; IIITM, Gwalior; etc.
Medical Colleges: Co-operative Medical College, Kochi
Engineering Colleges: MACT, Bhopal; L.D. Engineering College, Ahmedabad; Jaypee Institute of Technology, etc
Pharmaceutical Concerns: Torrent Research Centre; Zydus Research Centre.
Universities: Open University- Sri Lanka; Agriculture University, Kerala.
Schools: Scindia School, Gwalior ; Subodh Public School, Jaipur; Modern School, Delhi.
Colleges: Chain of DAV Colleges; UCC College, Kerala, Subodh College, Jaipur; etc.
Special Libraries: IOCL, Baroda; RCC
Softlink - Asia Pvt Ltd.
DD- 22 , Kalkajee Extension
2nd Floor (RS), New Delhi-110019. India.
Phone: 91-11-6475047,6233228,6233229
Telefax: 91-11-6233228
-- Reported by Softlink Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Information Today & Tomorrow, Vol. 20, No. 3,
September 2001, p.24-p.26