Guidelines for Implementation of UNIMARC in Indian Libraries
CALIBNET recognized the importance and suitability of UNIMARC for implementing as a national bibliographic structure in India. Its Standardization Committee recommended in 1989 that the application software for networking Indian libraries should adopt UNIMARC. The Guidelines being the corollary to this perception, was developed, based on the 1987 edition of the UNIMARC Manual 1987 of IFLA UBICM. Many changes in the UNIMARC specifications introduced by IFLA till date (11 Jan 19999) are also included in the Guidelines. Concurrently, some useful programs for conversion between international bibliographic formats including UNIMARC have been developed by CALIBNET as a complementary activity. The project for the preparation of the Guidelines was supported by NISSAT/DSIR under the Project NI/IC/214/92-94. Terms of availability: Rs.350/- in India, US$ 30 for the rest of the world.
Contact: Mr. A.C.Mitra, Director, CALIBNET Society, RCC
Buildings, Jadavpur University Campus, Calcutta 700 032.
Ph: 033-473-9778; Fax: 033-412-7905; Internet:,
Sunder Singh BG at