RU on Internet?
VK Varun
National Information System for Science & Technology, DSIR, New Delhi-110016
Indian Internet Search Engine Web Site
Three Indian firms have created search engine web sites of their own. However, they have chosen to focus on India-specific information on the Net.
http://www.123India.comThe 123India, a India's Premier Search Engine, is probably the first India-specific search site on the Net. In addition to regular search & indexing facilities, It provides links to the online greeting service, a personal directory, e-mail addresses, etc.
Agni Agni search engine, India's Premier Search Site, is promoted by IndiaWatch, a joint venture in collaboration with CMC Limited, Pritish Nandy Communications and Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited. It is the ONE stop for India related information on Arts, Business, Computers, Education, Entertainment, Government, News, Sports, Reference, Regional, Society and Culture.
http://www.khoj.comThe Khoj ( ... all the India you want to know! ) is an IndiaWorld presenatation offered from Ravi Database. Apart from search facilities, it offers daily updated features like Thought for the day, Link of the day, Recipe of the day, etc. It also has Khoj Daily Archives.
The contributions can be sent to
Indian Languages on Internet
Indian languages have hit the internet in a big way. Indians can now access web pages written in their own mother tongue as software is available to create pages in Indian scripts. Marathi was the first Indian language to hit the Internet with Mai Boli Marathi becoming the first magazine available on Internet in Devnagari script. Along with Marathi, Kannada, Tamil and Hindi have also got on the world wide web. Gujarati, Malayalam and Punjabi scripts will also make their maiden appearance on the Internet.
The Langscape Mail also makes it possible to send and receive emails in Indian languages.
Exporter's Yellow Pages
Exporter's Yellow Pages is now the only Indian Directory available on Internet. It includes World Trade Scene, Trend in India's Foreign Trade, highlights of EXIM Policy 1996-97 and Indian Exports Scenario.
RBI on Internet
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) site, managed by Ravi Database Consultants Pvt Ltd., has homepages on the Internet for disseminating the banking and foreign exchange information. It provides Weekly Statistical Supplement, RBI Bulletin, Annual Report, Press Releases, Speeches, NRI Investment and Publications.
NSF's Web Site
NSF has launched a web site with following features :
International Program area highlights items of interestin the international arena.
Search offers three type of text searches to web pages,online documents and award abstract.
Document online allows user to find documents bytype, by NSF number, by date or by text search. It is easy to locate program announcement, press releases,orother type of information.
Electronic Investment Market Place
The World Bank group has launched an electronic investment market place where an Indian investor can scout globally for a joint venture partner, product, technology and market intelligence. IPANet is free to registrants only. Register at http://www.
The databases provide macro-economic information of countries and regions that potential investors are looking at. The IPAnet bulletin board gives information on foreign investment conditions such as rules and regulations, business operating conditions, directories of key investment intermediaries, private investors, technology providers, surveys and references and other investment related information.
Contact for more details.
The ForumOne is a Search Engine for over 79000 Web Forum Discussions. It includes current events, public policy, entertainment, finance, sports, society, gardening, travel, philosophy, farming, etc. Most of the biggest forum areas on the web are indexed by Forum One. These include forums at New York Times, Washington Post, Salon, Cafe Utne, US News & World Report, Time, People, Yahoo, Excjite, Slate and many more.
ForumOne is useful for following users :
Individuals interested in participating in forums : Foum One makes it easy to find interesting forums and topics.
Individuals interested in creating their own forums : Forum One offers comparison of current forums, and also provides information about how to create your own forum.
Policymakers or businesspeople interested in sampling current public opinion on topics of importance.
ForumOne relies on a team of contributors, reviewers, editors and technical staff and is directed by Jim Cashel.
Contact for more details.
Educational Copyright Issue
This new copyright web site is created by Hope R.Botterbusch. It provides links to copyright basics, books & periodicals, distance learning, taskforce reports, workshops, copyright resources on internet, consulting services and bibliographic information.
Contact Hope R. Botterbusch at hopeb@ for more details.
Internet Medicus
Internet Medicus aims to promote Independent, Life Long Learning by providing direct access to peer-reviewed, quality information and to control the information overload by the use of keyword searching. Internet Medicus is updated daily. The annual subscription is AU $150.
The subject areas includes ALL major medical/health specialities, eg Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Nursing, as well as Consumer Information, Evidence Based Medicine, Medline and Document retrieval, Medline Journals, Conferences, Discussion Lists, Clinical Practice Guidelines and Full Text information.
Internet Medicus is recommended for use as a Personal, electronic, medical library; a Management and Education tool; for Clinical Care and Research; a Communication tool with patients and peers, a current awareness tool for Medical/Nursing/Health professionals, Students, Libraries, Consumers, Rural and Isolated Health Workers, Media, Educators, the Legal profession and Government.
Contact Sheelagh Noonan, Director, Internet Medicus at for more information.
CancerHelp - Comprehensive Cancer Resources on the Internet
CancerHelp is a free site with Comprehensive information on cancer resources on the Internet.
All of the cancer Usenet newsgroups are added to the CancerHelp site including,,, culist.breast-cancer, etc. Users of the CancerHelp site can now read and post to the cancer newsgroups every day free of charge without any need for news reader software. In addition, a number of general health and medical newsgroups as well are added to the site.
Contact Robert W. Neill, Jr. at for more information.