Indigenous Databases and Information Products/Services
BG Sunder Singh
National Information System for Science & Technology, DSIR, New Delhi-110016.
Computer usage becoming commonplace, there has been an increasing number of local efforts in organizing indigenous information for individual and institutional utility. Access to global information online or in CD-ROM media is now just a matter of money; at the same time access to indigenous information has remained a challenging effort both for the user and the infomediary.
Since the early 90's, NISSAT has been endeavouring in compiling an inventory of indigenous database effortsthrough the classical questionnaires (only motivated persons send their responses) and more recently on a project mode, the output of which is now available as INDAB2.
One inference of the INDAB2 effort is that Information services/products of all kinds are being generated by various agencies in the government, public and private sectors and are emerging out in the Indian information marketplace. One comes across a number of abstracting journals, which in a natural process of migration, are now available in dual formatsprint as well as machine readable. Besides bibliographic information, service providers are generating factual informationas directories of all descriptions, financial and commercial data, full texts of case laws, export-import policy and so on. These are commercially available online or in the CD-ROM. Along with this trend, one also finds a gradual improvement of products/services in both quantity and quality. Contrary to the earlier scenariowhere information activities were mainly funded by the government, one now finds an aggressive participation from the information industry.
INDAB2 has helped NISSAT gain a view of the indigenous database activities and also take initiatives and support such efforts. NALANDA: Directory of Indian Library/Information Centres, UCCP : Union catalogue of conference proceedings in Calcutta and North East, INDAB: Indian Abstracting Services, Indexing Perodicals, Directories and Databases, Database on Foundry Industry, Directory of Indian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries (on going at NICCHEM), Virus and Virology Database (to be carried out by NIV, Pune), Indian Sugar Database (under process) are some of such ventures. Of course, indirectly, NISSAT has supported several efforts through its Sectoral Information Centres. TEXINCON: Textile Information Condensate, (ATIRA), IFSTA : Food Science and Technology Abstracts (CFTRI), LESA : Leather Science Abstracts (CLRI), Machine Tools Census, Metal Working Abstracts (CMTI), NUCCSI : National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials (INSDOC), Oceanline (NIO) are some of the efforts worth the mention.
While the indigenous information industry has to grow and become globally relevant, there is a need to nurture, help develop some of the potential databases and facilitate their increased access.
Readers of ITT are welcome to send information on their database efforts or inform such efforts known to them. Further, for a database producersometimes a small institution or the sole motivated person, it is important to let people know what others do. While ITT takes only the responsibility of disseminating such information, in no way it would endorse a particular product or a service. It is the prerogative of the users to judge, buy, use and help us know whether such products/services are the money's worth.
INDAB (ver.2) Indian & Indexing Services and Databases in Science and Technology
One of NISSAT's products under development, INDAB is a kind of inventory of institutional efforts in the creation of indigenous databases in the country. The database presently contains 398 records providing information on 202 indexing/abstracting services, 83 directories and 113 indigenous databases.
The database has been designed and created using CDS/ISIS (the UNESCO product that NISSAT distributes in the country) under MS-DOS with minimum hardware requirements.
Each record in the database contains data on:
Name of the database/title of the A & I Service
Institution (database/service producer)
Address,contact person, type of database
Contents of the database, subject area, year of production
Size of the database, and so on.
The database provides access by all these data elements.
An analysis of INDAB indicates that the major contributors are from the Government departments and R&D Units besides a steadily emerging private sector. The data below should give some idea of the kind of institutions involved in the indigenous information provision :
Governmental Efforts | R & D Institutions | Univ./National/International Institutions | |||||
Central | State | Government | CSIR | Private | National | International | Private Orgn |
36 | 30 | 30 | 26 | 13 | 41 | 6 | 21 |
A detailed report on the database shall appear shortly (in DESIDOC Bulletin, Jul. 1997).
For availability and inclusion in the database, please contact:
The Adviser
(Attn : BG Sunder Singh, PSO)
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016.
Ph:011-651 6078 Fax: 011-651 6078
Directory of Scientific Research Institutions in India, 3rd Edition
An updated reference tool of immense value, this edition brought out by INSDOC, contains entries of 2231 institutions in India under Central Government state governments, autonomous bodies, registered societies, public sector undertakings, private companies, autonomous academic bodies, deemed universities, institutes of national importance, information institutions, and public sector companies.
It covers institutions engaged in fundamental and applied research and development work in all fields of science and technology, including medicine and agriculture, academic institutions having facilities of post graduate research work leading to the award of M.SC. and Ph.D degree and technical educational institute offering graduate degree are also covered.
Institutions are categorised into science in general, physical science, chemical science, mathematical science, earth science, life science, engineering and technology, agricultural engineering and technology, veterinary science, social science and information science.
Information on individual institutions include:
_ Name of the institution
_ Objectives/functions of the institution
_ Full address with telephone number, telex, fax, etc.
_ Name of director/head
_ Year of foundation/establishment
_ Major achievements
_ Special facilitiesconsultancy, training, instrumen-tation workshop, pilot plants,
_ Library and information service facilities, and so on.
The database is searchable by institution, city, broad or specific areas of specialization, legal status, facilities and equipment.
This factual, referral tool is searchable through user friendly menus, and is developed on FoxPro.
Price: Database on 3.5"/5.25" high density floppies cost Rs. 6000/-The retrieval software for searching the database is provided at an additional cost of Rs. 2000/-. Sections of the database (by subjects provided at a cost of Rs. 1000/- per subject area).
For further info please contact:
The Deputy Head, Marketing and Customer Services Division, Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 110 067. Tel: 011-686 2228; E-mail: mcs@sirnetd. ernet. in
(Source : INSDOC advertisement)
Impex Databank
Impex Databank is a computerised database on India's imports and exports. The classification is based on Harmonised Subject Coding (H.S. Code) and is now available at MVIRDC World Trade Centre, Bombay and MITCON Pune.
IMPEX provides answer to the various queries that are often encountered by the industrial and business community, both in India and overseas. A few example are:
which are the major overseas markets for our products?
at what price should we export our products ?
how do we find competitive prices for our imports?
how do we identify investment/industrial opportunities for export orientation and /or import substitution?
Today, foreign trade accounts for more than one-fifth share of India's Gross National Product (GNP) and it is slated to play an increasingly important role in the national economy in the years to come. IMPEX is an important pre-requisite for effective trade promotion at government, industry and trade levels.
The basic source for IMPEX is the Customs Daily list published by the Customs Authorities from different ports like Bombay, Calcutta Madras, Cochin and so on. Data is collected, checked and compiled from all the daily lists and is entered into IMPEX by a user friendly software. The daily list provides details of each and every and import transaction such as:
data item code product description quantity value name of the organization destination.
IMPEX can be earched by using any of the fields above, as users desire. Each year, more than six hundred thousand export-import transactions occur throughout the country.
IMPEX Databank is an invaluable input for all those involved in international trade. It helps not only in identifying export product import substitutes, but also helps in evaluting prices effectively. IMPEX is addressed to user audience such as importers and exporters, industry financial institutions banks, commercial sectors, consulates, trade promotion organisation, CPC's and Chambers of Commerce, embassies, international organisations and consultancy organisations.
Technical: The database is in DOS enviroment and can be analysed by using d BASE III, IV, FoxPro, Foxbase. Data is also available on floppies.
Quarterly updates. Data for 1991-96 covering India's major ports like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin, Mangalore and others are readily available.
For more info, contact:
Maharashtra Industrial and Technology
Consultancy Organisation Limited (MITCON)
Kubera Chambers, Dr Rajendra Prasad Path
Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005
Fax: 91-(0212)-323 206 Telex: 0145-7583 CCOM IN
(Source: MITCON Brochure)
Industrial Directory of Orissa
The Small Industries Management Assistance Programme (SIMAP) of the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar has published the Industrial Directory of Orissa.
The Directory has a listing of each unit by
name and address of the company
name of the proprietor/service offered, area of specialization achievement and aspirations.
The directory contains authentic information providedvoluntarily by only funtional units. It lists out 665 entries apart from providing a profile of Orissa's economy and highlights of Orissa's industry policy, SIMAP has an involved team of technology exports to categorise the information.
For price and further details, please contact:
Ms Neharika Vohra
Xavier Insitute of Management
Bhubaneswar 761 013
Ph. 440 846 Fax: 0674-440995 Gram: XAVIMAN
Supreme Court Case Finder 96 Release 2.
Supreme Court Case Finder 96 is a computerised law information database on CD-ROM which covers the case-law of the Supreme Court of India on all topics and statutes right from 1950 to 1996.
Case Finder is brought out by the journal Supreme Court Cases (SCC). One can now research through the entire Supreme Court Cases in a matter of minutesan activity that took people hours or even days. Searches are possible by statute name, section or rule, topic, party name, citation or even randomly by use of any "search word". Most searches are completed in a matter of seconds. The resultant case-notes can be viewed on the screen and or a print out obtained through a printer.
The coverage in Case Finder includes all reportable and non_reportable cases of the Supreme Court of India since 1950 as published in all the leading journals of India. The regular update service keeps the information up to date. Thus the entire Supreme Court case-law is available for research at one place.
Already installed at hundrends of locations all over India as well as abroad, the Case Finder is proving an invaluable resource for the legal community.
Key Features
covers the complete period right from 1950-96
covers all topics and statutes
extremely easy to use. Most users start operating within 15 minutes
search within search is a unique feature which is very helpful for quickly narrowing down to the most important desired rulings.
authentic and reliable case notes prepared by the editorial team of Supreme Court Cases.
can be easily transported and re_transferred from one computer to another.
facility for adding annotations on the case notes. They can also be searched and printed.
case-citations to all the important journals like SCC, AIR, ITR, STC, Comp Cas, Cri LJ, LLJ, LLN, Lab IC, ELR, SLR, ELT, etc.
regular updates available through the update service.
The powerful search facility of case infer allows the user to search for precedents randomly, topic/statute-wise or by case name. The search results are displayed in a one-line format list that can be scrolled up or down. Notes can be displayed by selecting any note form the list and clicking on GO to...
System requirements
_ MS-DOS 5.0 or later
_ Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or higher
_ Microsoft Compact Disk Extensions (MSCDEX) version 2.2 or higher
_ Fully IBM or Compaq compatibility
_ Computer with minimum 80836 DX processor, 4 MB RAM (8 MB recommended) VGA monitor Min.
20 MB disk space
_ CD-ROM Drive compatible with MPC II specification (4x or higher speed).
_ Mouse or equivalent pointing device
_ Parallel port.
For further details:
Eastern Book Company Pvt. Ltd.
34 Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001
Ph: (0522) 274901/223171/226517
Fax: (0522)-224328
E-mail :
Satyam, 7A/2, Rajpur Road, Civil Lines, Delhi-110006
Phone: (011) 230358; cell: 98100-56655
(Source : personal mail & brochure)
Kompass India
Kompass India is recognised as a premium database for sourcing products and services, identifying relevant technologies, recognising suitable agents/representatives, attract potential buyers, partners and more. The strength of
Kompass besides its colossal collection of data and classification of products and services, lies in the company profiles it contains. This in depth data on companies is based on the level of participation in the directory.
Kompass India is brought out on CD-ROM and also networked internationally on line services like DIALOG/ Knight- Ridder Information, MINITEL and nationally on FICCI's BISNET.
Kompass India presently contains information on over 57, 802 companies and addresses.
For further details contact:
Teledirect Informatics India Ltd.
A-30 Kailash Colony, New Delhi 110048
Tel : 91-6468427, 621 9819
Fax : 91-11-621 3861
D & B International [Dialog File no. 518]
Dun & Bradstreet Information Services provide information on credit, marketing and business information on over 36 million companies worldwide. D&B provides value-added products and services in over 200 countries. The information includes company financials, business principals and their background, business history and operations, banking and payment histories as well as the widely accepted Dun & Bradstreet Company Rating. Whether one is identifying prospects, extending credit, closing a sale or managing one's existing portfolio, D&B can help.
Presently, D&B International has information on over 9070 Indian Companies.
For further info :
Dun & Bradstreet Information Services
U & I Business Centre
F-41, South Extension, Part I
New Delhi 110049
Ph. : 91-11-462 2813/5584/1586
Fax : 81-11-462 3305, 464 1663
Dun & Bradstreet India Pvt. Ltd.
106 Frese Press House, Free Press Marg
Nariman Point
Bombay 400021
Ph. : 020-284 1898, 282 1466
Fax : 020-280 2640, 204 3102
(Source : Brochure; DIALOG Talk, April, 1997.)