RU on Internet?
VK Varun
National Information System for Science & Technology, DSIR, New Delhi-110016
[We are starting a new column `RU on Internet' from this issue onwards for the information of ITT readersEditor]
1. NCTA Searchable Translator Database
Northern California Translators Association's (NCTA) [ ] is a professional association of translators and interpreters based in Northern California, and a chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA).
One of its Online Resources is Searchable Translator Database. This database contains names and contact information of professional translators who are members of the NCTA. You can search the database to find a translator for a specific source language, target language, and area of specialization.
Contact : NCTA, P.O. Box 14015, Berkeley, CA 94712-5015 or email to or visit for more details.
2. Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters
and Academic Discussion Lists (6th Ed)
Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has annually published a print edition of the Directory since 1991. The 6th edition of the Directory is a compilation of entries for over 3,000 academic and professional discussion lists and 1,688 electronic journals, newsletters, and newsletter-digests, representing a 257% increase in journals and a 26% increase in lists since the 1995 edition. The Directory is a tool for assisting individuals in locating Internet resources as well as assisting librarians in building electronic collections.
A short description of each title in the Directory is included as well as access information. A URL is provided for over 90% of the journal and newsletter titles. Included also are ISSN, costs, first issues, peer review, frequency, back issues, and submissions. For the discussion lists section, entries include moderator contact information, and indicate whether the lists are edited and archived. A combined index for the two sections includes keyword, title, and institutional affiliation.
The 6th edition article of the year is A Survey of STM online journals 1990-95: the calm before the storm by Steve Hitchcock, Leslie Carr and Wendy Hall of the Multimedia Research Group at the University of Southampton. It is a comprehensive review of online, full-text, peer reviewed, English language journals in the areas of science, technology, and medicine. An evaluative description is available for each journal cited, including features such as delivery mechanisms, presentation formats, and charging practices. It is available at http://journals.ecs.
Contact: ARL Publications Department #0692. Washington, DC 20073-0692 or email to Patricia Brennan, Information Services Coordinator at or visit for ordering details.
3. Directory of Scholarly and Professionals
The Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-conferences, compiled by Diane K Kovacs et al, evaluates and organizes discussion lists, newsgroups, MUDS, MOO'S, Muck's, Mushes, mailing lists, interactive Web chat groups etc. (e-conferences) on topics of interest to scholars and professionals for use in their scholarly, pedagological and professional activities. The details is available at It also has access through University of Saskatachewan's gopher at gopher:// Information/Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences.
Contact: Paul Kramer at or email to for more details.
4. ARL's E-Journal Discussion List (ARL-EJOURNAL)
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) represents the interests of 120 libraries that serve major North American research institutions []. ARL-EJOURNAL is a discussion list concerned with all aspects of the management of electronic journals by libraries and information centers. The address of the forum is ARL-EJOURNAL@CNI.ORG
Contact : Dru Mogge, Association of Research Libraries, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington DC 20036 or email to for more details.
5. Contents Direct Service from Elsevier Publisher
ContentsDirect, the fastest and most direct pre-publication alerting service for Elsevier Science journals, is available FREE of charge, exclusively from Elsevier Science. Approximately two to four weeks before a journal issue appears in libraries, readers subscribing to ContentsDirect will receive, via e-mail, the contents page of that issue directly on their computers. ContentsDirect is provided only by Elsevier Science in support of journals published under the Elsevier, Pergamon, North-Holland or Excerpta Medica imprints.
The list is divided into five broad categories : Life Sciences and Medicine; Physical and Environmental Sciences; Materials Science; Energy, Engineering and Technology; and Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Each journal's ContentsDirect e-mail list is moderated by Elsevier Science. You cannot subscribe or unsubscribe directly. The service is FREE OF CHARGE, and you may subscribe to as many journals' ContentsDirect services as you like.
Contact : Mary Garrity at or Kim Cavellero at
6. Studies in Bibliography Online
Studies in Bibliography Online is created by The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia and the University Library's Electronic Text Center. This service available FREE of charge on the Internet will include the full text of the nearly one thousand articles in the 49 annual volumes of Studies in Bibliography (1948-1996) in a searchable and browsable database. It will be completed in time for the 50th volume of Studies in spring 1997.
Contact : David L. Vander Meulen at or David Gants at for more details.
7. Online Ombuds Office
The Online Ombuds Office is a pilot project aimed at using online tools to try to resolve disputes arising out of online activities (and even non-online activities). There is NO CHARGE for the use of the service, since most of the costs are covered by a grant from the National Center for Automated Information Research.
Contact : Ethan Katsh at for mode details.
8. Library Reference Center
EBSCO Publishing now offers FREE access to a database of indexing and abstracts from over 30 popular library trade journals. Search the Library Reference Center (LRC) database of titles (carefully selected) covering important technologies, issues & trends in the library world.
Contact : Steve MacRae, EBSCO Publishing at
9. UnCover - The Article Access Solution that
UnCover is an online periodical article delivery service. UnCover indexes nearly 15,000 English language periodicals - and it's still growing. Over 5 million articles are available through a simple online order system. 3000 citations are added daily. Articles appear in UnCover at the same time the periodical issue is delivered to your library or local newsstand. Articles located in the UnCover database can be sent to your fax machine within 24 hours - often in less than one hour.
Searching the UnCover database is absolutely FREE! You pay only for the articles you order. Outside the US and Canada, a fax surcharge may apply. With effect from January 1, 1997, the new price will be $10.00 per article plus copyright fees.
You can purchase an UnCover password for $900/year and receive a $2.00 discount on every article you order. Libraries and other institutions may purchase gateway access and receive article discounts, dedicated ports, and in some cases, customized screens and local periodical holdings display. Gateway access ranges from $5000 to $10,000+ per year. The details of pricing information is available at
UnCover is available over the internet by telnetting to It is also offered through BH Blackwell's CONNECT service and through Readmore's ROSS. UnCover can be dialed directly at 303 756-3600. UnCover works with all standard communications software, on any PC or Macintosh.
Contact: Melissa Stockton, Product Specialist at, Jane Beddall, UnCover Product Manager at or Judy Schott, Director of Marketing at for more information.
10. Orientation - Asia's Web Directory --- The
First Pan-Asian Web Directory
Orientation, a dynamic and comprehensive Internet directory, is dedicated to opening the world to Asia's rapidly growing market of abundant business opportunities, its travel destinations, and its culture.
Internet users in search of Asian information will no longer need to spend hours surfing through millions of pages in the World Wide Web. They will find a useful starting point at
Utilising the BlackMagicTM software developed by The Black Box Limited, Orientation allows instant access to quality Asian information through its well-designed Web directory which groups subjects under such headings as trade and finance, arts, culture and entertainment and value-added services such as business news, headline news, and Java chat.
Orientation currently has more than 15,000 URLs with Asian information on Web sites representing companies, educational institutions and individuals from more than 20 nations in the region. It is expected to increase at a monthly rate of 2,000 URLs and by the end of this year, The Black Box estimates it will have 25,000 URLs.
Contact: Ben Gilbey, Director, Business Development at or Rick Green, Director, Content Development at for more information.
11. GreeNotes A Newsletter from ALA/SRRT's
Environment Task Force
The American Library Association (ALA) Social Responsibilities Round Table's (SRRT's) Task Force on the Environment (TFOE) announces the publication of a new, electronic newsletter, GreeNotes.
GreeNotes is a quarterly, electronic, online, interdisciplinary newsletter for current and general information related to the environment and natural resources. It encourages the exchange of information, resources, ideas, and strategies for a better understanding of our environment.
There is `No Charge or Subscription Fee' to receive GreeNotes. Membership in the American Library Association is encouraged, but not a requirement to access the entire, full-text version of GreeNotes.
Contact: Frederick W. Stoss, GreeNotes Editor at for additional information concerning GreeNotes or the ALA Task Force on the Environment.
12. Licensing of Electronic Information
The Yale University Library, Commission on Preservation & Access, and the Council on Library Resources have announced the creation of LIBLICENSE-L, an internet discussion list on the topic of Electronic Content Licensing for Academic & Research Libraries. This list will be of value to librarians, information providers, publishers, attorneys in the field, and other interested parties.
LIBLICENSE-L is a moderated list for the discussion of issues related to the licensing of digital information by academic and research libraries. Increasingly, libraries are being inundated with information created in digital format, transmitted and accessed via computers. This list is designed to assist librarians and others concerned with the licensing of information in digital format in dealing with some of the unique challenges faced by this new medium. Information providers (creators, publishers and vendors) who deal with libraries are welcomed as members of LIBLICENSE-L.
Contact: Ann Okerson at or visit for further information.
13. TIFAC on Internet
The homepage provides detailed information on TIFAC and its various activities like Technology Vision 2020, TA/TF & TMS reports (complete list of TIFAC publications displayed areawise), TIFAC study on science & technology in India, TIFACLINE services & customised information support, etc.
14. Internet World
Internet World is the first and only magazine dedicated to serving the Internet Community its interests, its events, the people who are helping the network grow, and the people who are using it. Each issue provides primers, reports, news, interviews, and case studies to ensure Internet World is your single best Internet asset.
Subscription details are available at
15. The Guide to Patent Expiries
The guide is a quick easy-to-use reference tool for calculating expiry dates around the world. It provides users to have immediate access to the information they need to calculate expiry dates for patents issued by more than 110 countries; from Argentina to Zimbabwe.
The listing for each country summarises the relevant patent expiry data for that authority, including patent term duration under current law, current patent legislation and conditions affecting patent terms, such as availability of extensions. In addition, the Guide to Patent Expiries summarises the coverage of each patent-issuing authority in Derwent World Patents Index and INPADOC making it a useful support tool when online searching. As a major enhancement, the 1996 Edition includes a password which gives access to updates via Derwent's World Wide Web site (
Contact : Miriam McColgan, Derwent Information Limited at
16. Internet Patent News Service
The Internet Patent News Service is a daily news service dealing with information about the patenting world. Topics include announcement from various Patent Offices around the world, stories about who is suing who, interesting new patents and styles of patent drafting, statistics on issued patents (with a focus on software patents), reviews of patent books and computer programs. Additionally, contributions are solicited from anyone with some patent issue they have an opinion on, as well as explanation from patent lawyers about some of the issues raised in the news items.
Contact: Gregory Aharonian, Source Translation & Optimisation at
17. IDAMS Discussion Group on Internet
Unesco with the cooperation of the Universitie Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has established a discussion forum for the Unesco data management and analysis software on Internet since April 1996 under the name IDAMS Discussion Group.
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