Company Profile

DSJ Group

Nine years is not a long time in the life of a corporation especially for the one which started with no capital or a known product. The DSJ Group is today a Rs. 1250 million, totally integrated vigorous group with a clearly defined corporate mission and a focussed approach to growth :

"To spearhead the information resolution by providing investor service through
research and timely information ensuring quicker surer decision, time after time"

The DSJ group has achieved growth rate of over 100% in the last three years and is projected to grow at the same rate for at least the next two years. The rapid march forward is ensured by a "Total Solution" approach. The company has the following main organs:

Dalal Street Communications Ltd. (DSCL)

This flagship company of the group was started in 1986 by Mr. VB Padode who foresaw a future for information on stocks and corporate affairs. Dalal Street Investment Journal was launched as an eight page xeroxed newsletter and got transformed into a magazine in 1988. At the same time Flash News Investment Weekly was launched as a newsletter. In addition to this, the company now also publishes India Economic Update, E-Square, NSE Info Bank. It has television, radio and seminar divisions also. In the meanwhile, Dalal Street Investment Journal has now attained a circulation of 1,50,000 copies.

DSJ Finance Corporation Ltd. (DFCL)

In 1991, Dalal Street Finance Company Ltd (DSFCL), subsequently renamed as DSJ Finance Corporation Ltd, came into being as the financial services outfit of the group with a view to taking up new lines of activities such as corporate finance, portfolio management, merchant banking, etc.

DSJ Securities Corporation Ltd. (DSJ Sec)

In June 1994, DSJ Securities Corporation was incorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary of DSJ Finance Corporation to establish a highly sophisticated corporate broking house backed by the best research facilities.

Dataline and Research Technologies (India) Ltd.(DaRT)

INFOTECH, with a capital of mere Rs. 0.3 millions was launched in 1989 with the mandate to develop and maintain a computerized databank for the magazine. INFOTECH soon outgrew its role and started vending corporate database through electronic media to brokers, investors, portfolio managers, etc. Four years later, INFOTECH was to become Dataline and Research Technologies (India) Ltd. (DaRT). It is a pioneer of information technology in India. It has following sub groups :

It has a number of popular products like online IDSS (Investment Decision Support System) money management systems and electronic mail.

It has recently taken over two Hongkong based database service companies, namely, Dataline Asia Pacific Ltd. and Asia Data Centre Ltd. and formed a new company called Dataline and Research Technologies(Asia) Ltd. (DaRT Asia). DaRT has now become the top database service provider in Asia both in terms of turnover and user base.

Corporate and Economic Research Centre (CERC)

At the core of operations of DSJ Group is CERC—the data collection, analysis and dissemination arm. It is a reservoir and fountainhead for providing required inputs to all the divisions of the DSJ Group. CERC has compiled the database covering the economic and industrial indicators, financial performance of listed companies and news related to economic, industry and corporate sector. The data collected relates to corporations (their finances, plans and performance including India, Srilanka, SE Asian nations and Pacific Rim counters), technology, economic & global issues. The information and data collected are also subjected to further analysis and interpretation, within the company and a panel of outside experts.The centre also brings out reports, newsletter, briefs on current events and handbooks.

The strength of the company lies in its mature financial analysis by its economists, technologists and professionals in international trade and business. The unique feature of the dissemination techniques used by the company is that it uses all types of media available — print, floppy disks, CD ROMs and online. A brief outline of each of the divisions of CERC is as follows:

Corporate Database

It includes financial results of over 8000 listed companies in different stock exchanges in India and about 6000 companies from SE Asia. The source of information are companies, stock exchanges, Registrar of Companies, etc.

The CERC information cell provides an array of services connected with all the Indian stock exchanges. The services include information on share prices and volumes from 17 major exchanges. Information on trading in gilt edge and other fixed income securities, news and announcements emanating from the exchanges, primary market announcements, news and such other market related information are tracked on a continuous basis. CERC is able to drastically reduce the time interval between the publication of any information and its assimilation in the database, by utilizing its field source, posted in 15 major cities covering all stock exchanges in India.

Stock Market Monitor

CERC is the forerunner in information packaging and marketing. Besides, collecting, monitoring and analyzing corporate information, it also maintains daily stock prices and other relevant information regarding movement of stocks. This information is captured from National Stock Exchange, Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) and all the major registered stock exchanges of India at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Bombay, Calcutta, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Madras, Mangalore, Pune and is available at the end of each day. Such information is very useful for Dailies, Stock Brokers and Business Houses. The product details are given below:

Economy Cell

It monitors economic and industry environment at a national level. A monthly newsletter is produced and made available to customers/subscribers giving an update of the Indian Economy. This division is also in a position to offer consultancy services to the industry.

Technology cell

The main activities consist of scanning the current technological scenario in the Indian Industry, which is disseminated through topical reports selected to specific industry or industrial subgroups. The cell in its reports focuses on the techno-economic feasiblity, cost benefit analysis, strength and weakness analysis and also forecasts investments and future scenario. It also arranges procurement of Technology from international sources.

Global Studies and Special Projects

The history of trade relations, availibility of foreign market for Indian marketers and other geo-political information is maintained in the international data bank. Studies on foreign exchange, commodity market, information securities and investment markets, foreign direct investment and capital inflows, development institutions and their funding and also current market news are tracked. The division also arranges contacts for joint ventures, sourcing of raw material and identification of end markets.

The Research Units

The unit develops value added products from the corporate database. Since the corporate database is not influenced by any projection or analysis, this unit acts as an advisory and rating unit. Some of its products are confidential reports about companies, industry analysis and forecast.

Finally, the endeavour of research in CERC is not to prescribe any `right' course of decision/action but to enumerate the various options available to the user and the consequences thereof. It undertakes research for specific client requests. The dissemination of data is done through marketing channels as well as through responses to clients.

Popular Products/ Services


DSJ Group
Lawrence & Mayo House, Unit A & B,
2nd Floor, 276, BN Road, Fort, Bombay 400001.
Tel : 2835830/40/50 Fax : 022-2047898, 2835504

Dataline And Research Technologies (India) Ltd
Janmabhoomi Bhavan, 4th Floor,
Janmabhoomi Marg, Fort, Bombay 400001.
Tel : 2834982/83/94/90/96 Fax : 022-2835025

Corporate and Economic Research Centre
No. 201, Raheja Arcade,
Koramangala Industrial Layout, Bangalore 560095.
Tel : 5538765 Fax : 080-5533321

— Vimal Kumar Varun