Company Profile
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE)
During the industrial revolution, the most remarkable creativity was displayed by those thinkers who could exploit the nascent technologies of power and mechanics which were growing at an explosive pace and throwing up new opportunities for those who knew how to exploit them.
In the near future, growth in databases, computers and communications technology will revolutionise the means of doing business and will throw a host of completely unimaginable opportunities for those who know how to wield these tools. The recent phase of economic liberalisation and globalisation has accelarated the pace at which this change actually happens. Decision makers and planners are relying increasingly on hard facts and figures and sophisticated analytical tools and analysis to survive in a ruthlessly competitive environment.
CMIE is uniquely placed to meet the challenges of the new world of information, computers and communications. It has a clear edge in terms of database size, diversity, and quality and a clear perception of the larger framework in which the economy functions.
It is a research body dedicated to proving efficient Economic Information Services. The Centre, established by the eminent economist Dr.Narottam Shah in 1976. It is private and independent research organisation owned by the family members of the late Dr. Narottam Shah. CMIE is a unique enterprise which productise economic research activities with regular services.It is relied upon the most recent and authentic data on business and economics by a wide range of business enterprises, government organisations and the academia. The centre, today is a key source of the most uptodate and reliable information, the most incisive analysis and the best insights into the future trends available in the Indian economy.
CMIE's think tank comprises of professionals with longstanding experience in economics, corporate analysis and computing technology.
CMIE has more computers than total number of employees, including all Directors and support staff. All computers are uncompromisingly networked through TCP/IP. Connectivity to the outside world is accomplished through a leased line into the Internet and a pool of fax/modems which are used both for incoming dial-up users and outgoing information. CMIE was among the earliest users of the Internet technologies in India.
Numerous government and non-government organisations generate miles of Statistics. CMIE specialises in interpreting and analysing this economic information to make it readily usable. It provide cohesive and comprenhensive Business Information Systems.
Increasing specilisation and interdependence of economic activties have entwined business fortunes closely with changes in external enviroment. CMIE provides the most reliable information on the external economic environment_Information on the contingencies, the opportunities and direction of the future.
CMIE is headquartered in Bombay and has offices in Bangalore, Calcutta and Delhi.
CMIE has built a large and well integrated database on Indian economy. Although CMIE is, essentially, a value added information services company, it's presence is clearly spread over the entire food-chain of the information industry. Currently, CMIE provides four kinds of services.
Corporate Information on Magnetic Medium (CIMM)
CIMM is a computerised database on more than 3,300 India's medium and large companies combined with a powerful easy-to-use querying, report generation and charting software. The coverage includes listed companies, public sector companies, joint sector companies,co-operatives and several closely held firms.
CIMM is an efficient analytical tool in all organisations which require analytical and informational decision support pertaining to companies and industries. Its application include equity research, portfolio analysis, credit analysis, corporate planning, investment decision-making, inter-company and inter-industry analysis, researching competitors, studying industries, consulting, journalism, etc.
CIMM analytical capability rests on the twin foundations of a sound database and flexible querying.
CIMM installation set comes with more than a hundred ready-to-use reports. These are meticulously designed by experts in the field to provide useful insights.
CIMM runs on IBM Compatible Computer, and updates fortnightly. Daily updates are also available through modem in Bombay and will soon be made available in Delhi and Bangalore.
Some of the features include Corporate Analysis, Industry Research and Investment Toolkit including Technicals.
CIMM is available in Stand-alone Version as well as LAN version.
Economic Intelligence Service (EIS)
EIS is the backbone of management information systems. The Service features a series of documents which keep abreast with the latest and most reliable information and analysis about Indian economy.
The Service provides about 60 documents spanning around 5,000 information packed pages. The documents are created by experts in respective fields, and always feature the most recent and authoritative data. The documents contain information on all the major sectors of the economy including agriculture, industry and individual firms.
Macro_economic indicators like national income, public finance, the financial sector, balance of payments, prices and exchange rates are covered extensively. Historical, current and prespective trends in the economy are presented in the documents along with expert analysis. Forcasts are provided at the economy, sectoral and sub-sectoral levels.
The reports reflect competent technical understanding of the Indian economic-system and data are comprehensive but concise and lucidly written.
Some of the reports are Economic Outlook (Quarterly), Review of Indian Economy (Monthly), Basic Statistics : Vol. 1 - All India and Vol. 2 - States(Annual), World Economy and India's Place in it, Statistical Profiles of 500 Private Corporate Giants (Annual), Corporate Results accompanied by insight analysis of the developments witnessed (Half Yearly), Company Finance : Industry Aggregates, Market and Market Shares (Annual), Shape of things to come : Vol. 1 & 2, Profiles of Districts, Key Parameters on Urban Centres of India, Trends in Industrial Production, Performance of Agriculture and Foreign Trade Statistics.
Investments Intelligence Service
This service has been designed to provide you with continuous and detailed updates on investment activity in the country. The information on investment projects under this Service is complemented with incisive analysis on investment trends by industry, business houses,location, etc.
More than 3,000 investment projects are surveyed in a compendium of projects in mining, manufacturing, electricity, transport and irrigation sectors, Survey of Investment Projects, issued quarterly and running into nearly a thousand information packed pages. All major new units being set up, renovation and modernization projects being implemented or capacities being expanded are covered in the quarterly compendium.
The information content per project include : names of promoters, copromoters, collaborators, etc., capital cost, its sources of finance and uses, plant location, products and capacity details and stages of implementation of the individual projects.
The Service also provides a Monthly Review of Investment Projects which provides the latest update on projects under implementation. This also presents features on investment trends in individual industries, business houses, regions, etc.
The Service is invaluable to corporate planners and investors in estimating future trends in supply and demand in industry and infrastructure sectors, marketing executives in identifying potential emerging markets and researchers and policy makers in evaluating policy options.
Commissioned Projects
It is a relatively new area of activity. Currently, the demand for projects is higher than our current capacities in terms of human resources and this is an area where we are currently expanding and are likely to set up a full-fledged projects division in New Delhi.
New Services on the Anvil Online Information Service
This would provide easy access to CMIE's large and integrated economic and business database.The service is designed to be priced low and aim at large volumes of users. CMIE is expanding its presence by setting up offices in 12 centres in the country by the end of the next year. There are efforts to set up overseas offices as well.
These are a set of analytical tools which will work on top of a user's cimm installation. The tools are designed for application in very specialised areas such as credit risk evaluation, portfolio optimisation, portfolio evaluation as collateral for loans and corporate preformance forecasting.
Industry Information Services
This would be a service which would cater to the specific needs of in_depth industry research work. CMIE intends to use its sophisticated databases and its expertise in this region for a specialised service to meet this growing market.
Marketing and Regional Information Services
This service emanates from CMIE'S unique regional economy databases. This is one of CMIE's large databases built over the past two and half years. This service would find wide application amongst marketing and regional planning experts.
International Marketing
Today the demand, for information and analysis on Indian Economy, from international community has considerably increased. In reponse to this demand CMIE has entered into strategic marketing alliances with a number of international agencies involved in dissemination of information. These include :
Reuters Corporate Information
Datastream International, This is a U.K. based company with an annual turnover of about USD100. They would disseminate company level information sourced from CMIE.
Knight Ridder Information Inc.
Dialog the online information service arm of Knight Ridder would distribute a wide range of information on Indian economy and corporate sector, provided by CMIE, to its clients spread all around the world.
Ravi Data Bases
This is an NRI company which would disseminate corporate information from CMIE through Internet.
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd
110-120 Kaliandas Udyog Bhawan
Near Prabhadevi Post Office
Bombay 400025, India
Tel: +91-11-4300531
Fax: +91-22-4370558
Vimal Kumar Varun